News & Insights
Our community is made up of many voices - not just XDC Foundation. Read on to hear from the global community and learn about the latest developments across the network. Please note that third party news articles are provided as a resource for our readers. XDC Foundation does not attest to the accuracy of any portion of these articles.
Digital assets, Trade Finance
Mapping technology innovations to trade originators’ priorities
#XDC, XDC/USD, Vinter
XinFin Introduces XDC Index in Coordination with Vinter
#XDC, blockchain, Trade Finance Distribution Initiative
XinFin’s XDC Network Selected As the First Blockchain Company to Join the Global Trade Finance Distribution Initiative
#XDC, Corda
R3 Corda Now Has a Bridge to Public Blockchains With Arrival of Ethereum-Based XDC
Tradeteq, #XDC, Trade Finance, NFT
Tradeteq partners with XinFin in first trade finance NFT transaction
#XDC, XDC community
XDC Account Explorer Community Proposal
Insights, #XDC, Trade Finance, Blockchain
Global Trade Finance and the XDC Network
smart contract, #XDC
XDC Network Smart Contract Growth by the Numbers
Blockchain, NFT, #XDC
Storing & Accessing Private Data on the Blockchain with an NFT — #builditonXDC